Each Lesser Stores basket is a one-of-a-kind piece, handwoven with care by skilled artisans in Ghana.
Basket weaving is a tradition passed down through generations, making each creation a testament to the craftsmanship and cultural heritage of the region.
The raw material, elephant grass, grows naturally in the floodplains of Bolgatanga in northern Ghana. This eco-friendly, sustainable grass is harvested, dried, and dyed using a unique boiling process. The weavers carefully slip and roll the grass strands to enhance its strength, ensuring every basket is durable and beautifully crafted.
Depending on size and design complexity, each basket takes up to a week to complete, with intricate patterns that reflect the artistry and dedication of the weavers.
If your order is within our Return Policy requirements, you are more than welcome to return it in-store at our Boutique at 159 Melbourne Street, North Adelaide, where stock is available or available to order in from the brand.
We can order sizes in for our clients, if there is a style that you like from any of our brand, we will endeavour to get this for you. Please email info@lesserstore.com for any requests.
We can order styles in for our clients that we may not be carrying at the time, so if there is a style that you like from any of our brand, we will endeavour to get this for you.
Please email info@lesserstore.com for any requests.
Our team of stylists are at your disposal Tuesday to Saturday, email info@lesserstore.com, call us on 0455 328 954 or DM us on instagram for sizing/fit/style recommendations!
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